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Happy Québec National Day to all my fellow Quebecers of this board

I'm certainly not the only one there who live in Québec, so I'm wishing my fellow citizen of this board a happy Québec National Day, also known as Saint-Jean Baptiste !
Hope you didn't drink too much yesterday !

Je suis certainement pas la seule du Québec icitte donc je viens souhaiter une bonne Fête Nationale, ou autrement dit une bonne St-Jean Baptiste !
J'espère que vou avez pas trop bu hier !

(I have trouble with img tags when post with my smartphone)

Fan works you later regretted creating

Ever created a fan fiction or a web comic (or anything similar) that either bit you in the butt or you are embarrassed that you created it in the first place?

For me, that would be Mario & Luigi: The Trip Across Nintendo Land.


Looking back at it, it was poorly written and I was too caught up in the idea of creating a complete Super Mario crossover fan fiction (especially since there weren't any that were ever finished on Lemmy's Land). Also, it is filled with a lot of bad ideas (such as trying to make it more like a video game and the part about using awful music to control Pokémon).

To make it worse, it even introduced me to some people I regretted ever meeting.

Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance

I was wondering if there is a way to rip models from this game? (Game is for PS2, Xbox, and GCN)

Making a custom Smash Bros model?

Hey guys,

I'm going to start this thread with a story... *ahem*
My older bro and all our friends and family LOVE playing Project M, the Smash Bros Brawl mod... Well, except for me. I'd love to play it, but none of the characters speak to me that much. I think it's because the new Smash is teasing all of these exciting characters, like Pac-Man, or Little Mac, that I feel correspond to me much better.

SO, I decided that - since I know my way around 3D Modeling Programs and other computer concepts - maybe I could make my own skin for one of the characters? I've seen people do it before, so there's a tutorial or some kind of pointers out there somewhere, right?

I've searched what feels like an awful lot, but I haven't encountered some of the answers I'm looking for:

  1. Are the models made up of several meshes packed together into an object, or a single mesh?
  2. I don't have a commercial modeling suite - I can only really use Blender at the moment. On your website, it seems like the model for Luigi (the character I plan on making a skin for) is in a format that Blender no longer wants to support. I've tried earlier versions that DO support the COLLADA format, but they all crash or fail to import the model. Is there a workaround? Am I supposed to just model the character first and then fit it on later? Should I try to get 3DS Max or another free alternative instead?

Thank you for taking the time to read through!

Mario Party 5, Menu stuff

Hi there!

Hi! I've been lurking around TSR for a number a years now and I thought I'd join the community finally. I hope I can contribute my own stuff to the site. Sooo see you around!

Kazumi's submissions!

Here's my submission thread! Currently I only have 3 things to show and they're all for Kirby Squeak Squad. Ones a level, backgrounds for the world maps, and BGs for world 8. I'm pretty shocked the latter two haven't been put up on the site yet. (if they are already in some form or if I've done something wrong I apologize)

[Image: oEq0TGE.png] [Image: C2RjdqX.png][Image: GCUaNoO.png]

Edit: And it appears I've posted this in the wrong subforum. Could a mod move this please?


By Gors – 2.014

This tutorial’s purpose is to teach very basic Portuguese to those who enjoy languages and want a starting point for learning Portuguese. This will cover the Brazilian variant of Portuguese spoken in the ‘interior’ of São Paulo, so accents may differ.

Portuguese is a Romance Language, which means it was derived from Latin, an old language spoken by ancient Romans. If you don’t know Latin, know that words such as ‘circus’, ‘arena’ and ‘flammable’ comes from Latin!

It is mainly written with a slightly modified alphabet, as shown:

[Image: 6c324083797b12eec86a8292e9c9eedf.png]

Notice the lack of K, W and Y: those are considered foreign letters, and while they were re-added into the alphabet in the 2009 spelling reform, they are not used at all in normal words, appearing only in loanwords and given names.

Pronunciation is easy, as Portuguese was tailored to be a straight-forward language. This means, even if a person never saw the word before, they would be able to read it correctly. This is achieved with solid grammar rules and accentuation. However, there are some words that require attention when writing and reading!


When studying English, I hated the fact that the O in ‘women’ sounded like I. “How am I supposed to know that?” Fortunately, in Portuguese, these sound shifts are marked with accents, which lessen the numbers of weird inaccuracies.

The accents not only change the sound of the vowel, but it also marks the strongest syllable of the word. This means that a word CAN NOT have more than one accent, as no word can have two or more strong syllables.

The accents are:

AGUDO (acute) – Represented with a ´ over the vowel. It changes the vowel’s sound to be ‘ABERTO’ (open).
CRASE (grave) – Represented with a `. It can only happen with the letter A.
CIRCUNFLEXO (circumflex) – Represented with a ^. Can only be combined with the vowels A, E and O; I and U are excluded. It changes the vowel’s sound to be ‘FECHADO’ (close).
TIL (tilde) – Represented with a ~. Can only be combined with the vowels A and O; E, I and U are excluded. It gives a nasal sound to the vowel. It's not considered an accent, because it doesn't mark the strong syllable.

Here are the vowels with its equivalent sound in English below:

[Image: 25b34b2d51680f70e672a020c52cf952.png]


Consonants change sounds depending on their place in the word, but they follow guidelines similarly to English.


• The letter C will sound like ‘K’ if before A, O, U or consonant.
o Caco, Cume, Couve, Facção.
• Otherwise, it will sound like ‘S’.
o Cenoura, Cimento.
• If the letter C sounds like ‘S’ before A, O and U, it becomes a cedilha (Ç).
o Aço, Açu, Maçã.
• NOTE: The cedilha never starts a word!


• The syllable ‘di’ sounds like ‘gee’.
o Da, De, Di, Do, Du -> Dah, Deh, Gee, Doh, Doo.


• Similarly with ‘C’, the letter G Will have a hard sound before A, O, U or consonant.
o Gago, Gol, Magma.
• Otherwise, it will sound like the ‘S’ in treasure, pleasure.
o Ágil, Gesso, Gina.


• Starting ‘H’ is always silent. It’s kept for etymology purposes.
o ‘Hálito’ sounds just like ‘Álito’ when read aloud.
• ‘CH’ is always read as ‘SH’.
o Cheque, Chamar, Chumaço.
• ‘LH’ is read as ‘LL’ in Spanish ‘Paella’.
o Malha, Calha, Alho.
• ‘NH’ is read as ‘Ñ’ in Spanish ‘Mañana’.
o Manhã, Sonho.


• The letter J will always sound like the ‘S’ in treasure, pleasure.
o Jambo, Juba, Molejo.


• The letter R will sound like English starting H (as in ‘hole’) if it starts a word.
o Rato, Rei, Roxo, Rude.
• Otherwise, it will sound like ‘TT’ in ‘Better’, ‘Little’ (American English).
o Maravilha, Areia, Árido, Ouro.
• If the letter R is doubled, it will be read as starting H altogether.
o Arroz, Arremate.


• The letter S will sound like ‘S’ if it starts a word, or is before a sonsonant.
o Sábado, Sempre, Silo, Soja, Sultão, Mastro.
• Otherwise, it’ll sound like ‘Z’.
o Casa, Quase, Osório, Casual.
• If the letter S is doubled, it will be read as ‘S’ altogether.
o Massa, Passe, Osso.


• Similarly with ‘D’, the syllable ‘ti’ will sound like ‘chee’ in ‘Cheese’.
o Ta, Te, Ti, To, Tu -> Tah, Teh, Chee, Toe, Too.


• Arguably the most complicated letter in Portuguese, it has all those possible readings:
• CH
o Usually at the start of words: Xamã, Xilofone, Xogum.
o Words that start with EN, except ‘Encher’ and its derivatives: Enxame, Enxada, Enxugar.
• Z
o Usually after E: Êxodo, Exato, Hexágono.
• S
o Usually after E: Extensão, Extra.
• KS
o Always at the end of the word: Tórax, Hálux, Xérox.
o Usually after vowels A, I and O: Axônio, Íxion, Paradoxo.

OBS: Etymologically mute letters (such as ‘P’ in Psicologia, Pterodáctilo; ‘T’ in Hábitat, Déficit; ‘G’ in Cognato etc) are read aloud as a short syllable.


Portuguese verbs have many conjugations, a trait inherited from Latin. This way, you can just say ‘Estou comendo’ instead of ‘Eu estou comendo’: the verb already implies that it’s conjugated for the pronoun ‘Eu’.

Verbs are action-describing words, much like English. Here, you will find 3 types of verbs: Primeira Conjugação (First type), Segunda Conjugação (Second type) and Terceira Conjugação (Third type). There’s an exceptional case of the Second Type verb, which I’ll dub “Special Type”.

The following table will display only the essentials for an everyday talk, without all the pronouns and possibilities.

[Image: 8bed4b89b156036bf7426e7fe29c0f2d.png]

“Tu” and “Vós” are not used colloquially, that is, in spoken Portuguese. Those are usually limited to serious written documents (such as official documents and the Bible), but they may appear in some dialects, such as the Southern dialect and European Portuguese.

In order to keep this tutorial short, these will be ignored, but I strongly suggest you to give it a check later.


INFINITIVO (Infinitive) - The verb’s default form. The other conjugations stem from here.

INDICATIVO (Indicative) - This verbal time is used for certain things. It is further divided into other times:
• PRESENTE (Present) - for actions happening right now.
• PRETÉRITO PERFEITO (Perfect Past) - for actions that already happened.
• PRETÉRITO IMPERFEITO (Imperfect Past) - for actions that are still happening.
• PRETÉRITO MAIS-QUE-PERFEITO (More Than Perfect Past) - for actions that happened before an action that already happened.
• FUTURO (Future) - Actions that are yet to happen.
• FUTURO DO PRETÉRITO (Future of the Past) - for actions that would happen in the future, but didn’t because of a past action.

SUBJUNTIVO (Subjunctive) - This verbal time is used when you are not certain of it happening. Basically, if you are unsure, this is the verbal time to use. It is further divided into other times:
• PRESENTE (Present) - for actions that may happen right now.
• PRETÉRITO IMPERFEITO (Imperfect Past) - for actions that did not happen, but it’s said as a condition.
• FUTURO (Future) - for actions that may happen in the future.

GERÚNDIO (Gerund) - A special verbal time, equivalent to ‘-ING’ in English.

PARTICÍPIO (Participle) - A verbal time, equivalent to Past Participle in English.

IMPERATIVO (Imperative) - A verbal time used for giving orders. Can be Negative. This Verbal Time doesn’t have a conjugation for the pronoun ‘EU’ as you cannot give an order to yourself.

Observation: I will use a Simplified version of verb conjugation in order to make it similar to English, but again, I suggest you to check out the Complete conjugation later.


These verbs are important, as combining them with the main verb will yield different verbal times. Those have special conjugations that must be memorized.


In Portuguese, the English verb ‘to be’ can be translated into two different auxiliary verbs: SER and ESTAR.

Gerúndio: Sendo Particípio: Sido

[Image: d3da2ea9e72405412e03314b115a6a3a.png]

Gerúndio: Estando Particípio: Estado

[Image: 59ceca014554ff6456a99ce49e89a086.png]

SER is used when the described thing is always like that, and ESTAR, for things that could change. Confusing? Let me explain:

If a car is rubbish and always runs slowly, you can say “O carro É lento”. But when the car is normally fast, but for some reason it is slow today, you can say “O carro ESTÁ lento”.

This small detail can and will change the meaning of the sentence if you mix those verbs!


Another auxiliary verb, IR means ‘to go’, and much like English, it’s used as an auxiliary verb.

Gerúndio: Indo Particípio: Ido

[Image: a358fee623f38546533358d1ec508c0e.png]

FIRST TYPE VERB (Simplified)

First Type Verbs are verbs that end in ‘AR’. It’s by far the most common type in Portuguese.

Gerúndio: Amando Particípio: Amado

[Image: ee68e857236fd1f6590af671ec2954d3.png]


Second Type Verbs are verbs that end in ‘ER’.

Gerúndio: COMENDO Particípio: COMIDO

[Image: b4069947c7a81e1db388b08135bc6eab.png]


Special Types end with ‘OR’. All those verbs are related and conjugated similarly.
Gerúndio: PONDO Particípio: POSTO

[Image: 785933e4ef424337abbf094de72c2173.png]

THIRD TYPE VERB (Simplified)

Third Type Verbs end with ‘IR’.
Gerúndio: SAINDO Particípio: SAÍDO

[Image: 6605584ea9fac930583572bfdbac3733.png]

a reasonably sized dog ghost

i need some really cool, stylish pixel art of a dog ghost, within reasonable distance of 200x200 pixels. i know the artists on this website are skilled and capable, and more importantly creative, so i wanna see some world class artistic talent on display here. think of this not as a job for me, but for you.

Ian's Looney Tuney Sprite Trade/Collab Project

Thanks to RacoonSam, I'm now able to rip from Flash Games with the help of my JPEX Flash Decomplier . Smile

I can post them here on the Spriter's Resource if you want me to, but...

I'll only do it... if anyone can do something for me. Smile

I'll rip from any of the Looney Tunes Flash Games that I have on my PC:

Wile E. Rocket Ride
Coyote Roll
Debris Derby
ACME Rocket Factory
The Crate Escape

Speedy's Pyramid Rescue
Marvin's Earthling Eliminator
Bugs Bunny in: The Island of Dr. Moron
Taz in: Burgers 'n' Bombs
Pepe Le Pew's Love Run

But in return, you have to rip sprites, backgrounds and other stuff from any Looney Tunes Games from any console.

Think of it as a Sprite Trade/Collab. Smile

Here's how it'll work: I'll rip sprites and stuff from the selected Looney Tunes flash games of your choice while you can rip sprites and stuff from various Looney Tunes games on various consoles based on my choice. Smile I'll send you a PM of what sprites/rips of what Looney Tunes Console Game I want in return. Smile

That way, we'll all have something to submit to the Spriter's Resource together. Smile

So... name your poison. Smile (Or in this case, pick a game and then we'll discuss)

Alzorath's Sprites

I'm painfully new at pixel art, and spriting in general... and am looking to improve it for the purposes of using Sprite animations in a few of my upcoming videos (and based on interest by a few of my viewers, possibly even turning some into games in the future after I brush the dust off and relearn how to program lol). I think these initial attempts are turning out "okay" (could use some improvement), though I will definitely need a lot more help when it comes to doing full blown scenes for these characters to interact in (haven't braved this yet, but will very soon).

I've also gotten several requests for sprites of people's minecraft characters oddly enough, so I figure those will give me additional practice (and be good cannon fodder for getting even more advice on how to refine these).

Currently, the main stuff I've been working on are sprites in the FF6 style (studied it fairly heavily before starting, but for my purposes I knew a simple paint-over wouldn't work, since I need the models to be much more dynamic than in the game itself for animation purposes - though I am definitely looking very closely at how the base poses are visually established)

Here's the first 3 attempts at the style (zoomed 10x for detail - when I have a complete sprite-sheet for a model, I'll post it using proper transparency & at 1x resolution) - first one is my avatar, and has an actual set of movements animated, the 2nd and 3rd are some collaboration partners, are static, and were done later (I will likely animate them after finishing the sprite sheet for my main avatar):

1st - Alzorath [FF6 variant] - basic pose:
[Image: MITVfrB.png]
Back view: http://i.imgur.com/rfXHfS5.png

2nd - Skeptical Squirrel [FF6 variant] - basic pose:
[Image: n1ZR1xz.png]

3rd - Mod1982 [FF6 variant] - basic pose:
[Image: AaNGbaE.png]

As I add more models, I'll update this post, but they'll also be posted to the gallery for it ( http://imgur.com/a/Gf6bd#1 )

As I am also looking for critiques on the animations, here's one of the 'proof of concept' animations for my avatar that I'll be using, I intentionally made the walk slightly "gliding" to make it reminiscent of the cutscenes/tutorials in FF6, though I may have overdone it (opinions welcome):

Help with Godzilla: Unleashed SAM and UBE files?

I'm trying to rip the sound effects from Godzilla: Unleashed using a PAL Wii disc. I've located the audio files (or at least what was in the folder labeled AUDIO) and have no idea on how to extract them. For each "group" of sounds, there are two files, one a SAM file and one an UBE file. The SAM file is always larger than the UBE. For example, for the monster Anguirus there's an ANGUIRUS.SAM file that's 474 KB and an ANGUIRUS.UBE file that's 3.79 KB. Opening the UBE file in a plain text editor has a list of names at the end that to me seem like the individual sound file names ("ang shout med 2", for example).

Anyone know what either of those two file extensions means and how to extract sound from it?

Batch/Multi File Downloading

Is there a way for me to download all the models/sprites/textures/sounds of a given game at once as a rar or a zip or even just as individual files?

Some games have hundreds of assets of each of those, so if we want them all, it's not really feasible to manually click each one, then click the download link, then hit back, and repeat.


Splatoon was a bit of a miss in the E3 stream that Nintendo presented. A lot of people saw it, thought it looked a bit generic and moved on. It's awesome.

I went to a Nintendo event yesterday, and Splatoon was on demo with a 4v4 match. It was AWESOME. Best game on show from Nintendo, on par with Smash Bros.

The concept is simple - you need to paint as much of the GROUND as you can with your team's colour of ink. You travel slower in enemy ink, and at normal speed in your own - but you also travel faster in "Squid" form, which also restocks your Ink gun. When in Squid form, enemies can't see you if you're in your own coloured ink.

The game is fast paced, and very clever in how they keep the game going, and it makes dying not feel like such a chore. Similar to how Battlefield works, when you die, you can jump to a member of your party using map on your gamepad.

It's super competitive, and super fun. It's also a really cool demonstration of female characters being used in a very "this just is" kind of manner.

What do you guys think from what you've seen? Any questions?

Video Games Ads: Post 'Em

I thought I'd make this thread for if anyone wants to post up some video game advertisments and commercials. The weirder, funnier and/or more obscure, the better.

I'll start with a few SNES and Game Boy commercials from over here starring the sadly recently deceased Rik Mayall. For those who don't know him too well (ie. most people outside the UK) he was a comedian and actor who was very popular for helping to push "alternative comedy" into the mainstream with shows like The Young Ones and Bottom, both of which were very absurd and very violent.

I'm assuming Nintendo hired him for their ad campaign to try and give themselves a bit of an edge and shed their "kiddy" image, although I don't think it worked too well since Sega continued to dominate the console market in the UK as far as I remember.

Super Mario All-Stars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsON9PJRR4g
Link's Awakening: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=su3kMZ7sEm8
Star Fox (Star Wing in Europe): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnE_B6pXQdk
Game Boy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRYH4f0_oag
Nigel Mansell's World Championship: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAGlIzgv58E

Animu Pilgrimmage

Sorry for the short notice but tomorrow, I leave for Japan!!
I'll be back July 11th

Gah so excited
anyway I apologize for short notice, but starting tomorrow I can finally become a fully realized Weaboo. Truly a life changing experience

See you in two weeks!

Notepad++ questions

Google Blekko Bing Ask Yahoo wikiHow eHow

#1: If I am good enough at programming could I make an SMF (Super Mario Flash), SMF 2 etc. game with

#2: Can I make an official.type website with Notepad++?

Punch Out SNES Style project

Punch Out(Arcade) and Mike Tyson's Punch Out!! SNES Style Project


The Punch Out(Arcade) and Mike Tyson's Punch Out!! SNES style Project is about remaking the boxers and Little Mac into the SNES game, Super Punch Out!!

About the Style

Basically, it's the boxers and player in Super Punch Out style. Known palette swaps like Super Macho Man/Soda Popinski/ Masked Muscle are helpful to use


Punch Out and Super Punch Out(Arcade)

.Arcade Boxer

.Glass Joe

.Piston Hurricane (Arcade style)

.Kid Quick

.Pizza Pasta

.Soda Popinski/ Vodka Drunkenski

.Great Tiger (Arcade Style)

Mike Tyson's Punch Out!!/ Punch Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream/ Punch Out (Wii)

.Little Mac

.Doc Louis

.Von Kaiser

.Disco Kid

.King Hippo

.Piston Honda

.Great Tiger (NES/ Wii Style)

.Don Flamenco

.Aran Ryan (Wii style)

.Donkey Kong

.Possibly the title defense version of the boxers

And for starters, this is my Arcade Boxer in WIP to show an slight example here

(Yesterday 02:50 PM)TGCF Wrote:   Punch Out(Arcade) and Mike Tyson's Punch Out!! SNES Style Project


The Punch Out(Arcade) and Mike Tyson's Punch Out!! SNES style Project is about remaking the boxers and Little Mac into the SNES game, Super Punch Out!!

About the Style

Basically, it's the boxers and player in Super Punch Out style. Known palette swaps like Super Macho Man/Soda Popinski/ Masked Muscle are helpful to use


Punch Out and Super Punch Out(Arcade)

.Arcade Boxer

.Glass Joe

.Piston Hurricane (Arcade style)

.Kid Quick

.Pizza Pasta

.Soda Popinski/ Vodka Drunkenski

.Great Tiger (Arcade Style)

Mike Tyson's Punch Out!!/ Punch Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream/ Punch Out (Wii)

.Little Mac

.Doc Louis

.Von Kaiser

.Disco Kid

.King Hippo

.Piston Honda

.Great Tiger (NES/ Wii Style)

.Don Flamenco

.Aran Ryan (Wii style)

.Donkey Kong

.Possibly the title defense version of the boxers

And for starters, this is my Arcade Boxer in WIP to show an slight example here

EDIT:I repost it in the sprite projects


Punch Out!! Super Punch Out Style

Punch Out(Arcade) and Mike Tyson's Punch Out!! SNES Style Project


The Punch Out(Arcade) and Mike Tyson's Punch Out!! SNES style Project is about remaking the boxers and Little Mac into the SNES game, Super Punch Out!!

About the Style

Basically, it's the boxers and player in Super Punch Out style. Known palette swaps like Super Macho Man/Soda Popinski/ Masked Muscle are helpful to use


Punch Out and Super Punch Out(Arcade)

.Arcade Boxer

.Glass Joe

.Piston Hurricane (Arcade style)

.Kid Quick

.Pizza Pasta

.Soda Popinski/ Vodka Drunkenski

.Great Tiger (Arcade Style)

Mike Tyson's Punch Out!!/ Punch Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream/ Punch Out (Wii)

.Little Mac

.Doc Louis

.Von Kaiser

.Disco Kid

.King Hippo

.Piston Honda

.Great Tiger (NES/ Wii Style)

.Don Flamenco

.Aran Ryan (Wii style)

.Donkey Kong

.Mike Tyson

.Mr. Dream

.Possibly the title defense version of the boxers

And for starters, this is my Arcade Boxer in WIP to show an slight example here: http://s31.photobucket.com/user/thomasga...b.png.html

If you wanna contribute the project, you're free to do so!Smile

Wii U ripping?

Hey guys,

I've been out of the whole model-ripping scene for a while now. Has anyone got a method to rip Wii U game models yet? Google keeps finding unrelated articles and threads. So I thought I'd ask around here.

Thanks guys,
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