Now, I apologize in advance if this is against this area's rules, I wasn't really sure if it would be or not, but I've been helping out to make a game on this site called GameSprout for a few months now. I'm posting because its been a little slow of recent and was wondering what people actually thought of the game, you know, past the people actually working on it.
Its a zombie strategy game called Dead Reckoning.
The story centers around The Greek Angel of Death, Thanatos.
This is a mock-up of the intro writing.
Long has he, The Angel of Death, brooded since his humiliation at the hands of the warrior god. Having been confined mortal in the eyes of men, Thanatos was forced into seclusion in the deepest bowels of hell with his brother, Hypnos, but unlike the fool he lived with, Death does not stay content in eternal rest. It must cause devastation when it strikes, changing the tides of power in its wake. a relic was passed unto the mortal realm as Thanatos worked, and unto the world his curse lay, years upon years passing. In the coming years, Thanatos took sport in placing "hints" as to the relic's location, so that the power or fame hungry who he so easily could manipulate would seek it. On June 13th of 2014, an archeologist, humanity's great cartographer of the old world, stumbled across Thanatos's plan. This is where you come in, dear lordly lich. For it is now that the apocalypse begins.
My job has been character design and story work.
I'm not the only one who has been doing such, but I'm the only person currently working on it. I'm posting more than just my work. You can tell because I'm not so great at this.
![[Image: 0OqxVro.jpg]]()
Zombies ( a little gruesome )
![[Image: 5EULryL.jpg]]()
The only person who's been doing programming is Rpunako, the guy who actually owns the idea. Here is our most recent demo.
Its still in Alpha at the moment so its not uber-polished or anything, but its there.
Its not really at that point yet, but if you've ever played Majesty, we're planning on making the zombie system similar to how bounties worked, where the horde acted on its own but you could place priorities as incentive.
Here's some details on the special zombies, aberrations, and other factors that affect units.
So, thoughts?
Mission details (big) (not all of them)
![[Image: 1-12.png]]()
![[Image: 1-13.png]]()
Mission descriptions (big) (all of them)
Description: Establish the initial infection story and how to control the horde.
Human Defensive Posture: Surprised, but relaxed. Strange things are happening with some reports of "zombies" moving in from the countryside. Most dismiss the reports as lunacy. There will be only light resistance.
Goal: Take over a small metropolitan area.
Average Horde Size: Small
Missions: 1-8 (so far, envisioning about 20)
Location: Desert
----Mission 1: Hungry...
Time: Day
Moon: N/A
Map: Phylactery dig site
Starting conditions: 1 zombie; misc vermin
Objective: 5 vermin eaten. All zombies must survive.
Description: Your zombie is starving and must feed... Be creative!
Concepts demonstrated: exerting influence; eating to not starve.
----Mission 2: Eat The Neighbors
Time: Day
Moon: N/A
Map: Gas station
Starting conditions: 1 zombie; 1 civilian
Objective: 1/1 civilians infected. All zombies must survive.
Description: Sneak in the back door of the service station and infect the attendant.
Concepts demonstrated: Exerting influence; surprising victims; eating to not starve.
----Mission 3: Service with a frown.
Time: Day
Moon: N/A
Map: Gas station
Starting condition: 2 zombies; 1 civilian
Objective: 1/1 civilians infected. All zombies must survive.
Description: Civilian enters to pay for fuel. Stop him before he escapes in his vehicle. Setup one zombie at the back of the shop and one at the front door to close off his escape.
Concepts demonstrated: Exerting influence; closing off escape routes; eating to not starve
----Mission 4: Persistence is the key.
Time: Day
Moon: N/A
Map: Gas station
Starting condition: 3 zombies; 1 civilian
Objective: 1/1 civilians infected. All zombies must survive.
Description: You've been spotted by a lone jogger! Chase the jogger into the desert and stop him before he escapes and alerts the authorities!
Concepts demonstrated: Humans run fast, but tire. Zombies move slow but don't tire - persistence is the key; stopping civilians from alerting authorities.
----Mission 5: Eat at the Diner
Time: Day
Moon: N/A
Map: Diner
Starting condition: 4 zombies; 5 civilians
Objective: 5/5 civilians infected. All zombies must survive.
Description: Set up one zombie at the front door and three at the back door. When civilians see the zombie enter the front door they run out of the back door where the other zombies are waiting.
Concepts demonstrated: Exerting influence; closing off escape routes; eating to not starve.
----Mission 6: Zombies on a train!
Time: Day
Moon: N/A
Map: Train station exterior; train
Starting conditions: 8 zombies; 20 civilians
Objective: 15 of 20 civilians infected.
Description: Zombies pile into the caboose of a train just before it disembarks. With nowhere to run civilians will fight. The horrible occupants arrives at the town of xyz.
Concepts demonstrated: Fighting humans that fight back.
----Mission 7: Playing in Traffic.
Time: Day
Moon: N/A
Map: Train station exterior; town xyz access road
Starting conditions: 25 zombies
Objective: Wreck 3 cars and infect the occupants by walking zombies into traffic blocking the entrance and exit. Infect 3 occupants before they escape the map. Some zombies must survive.
Description: A single road bisects the town. Cut off access to both ends
Concepts demonstrated: Creating road hazards; extracting vehicle occupants; increased influence speed due to larger horde.
----Mission 8: A night on the town
Time: Night
Moon: Quarter
Map: Sleepy desert town/outpost
Starting conditions: 10 zombies; 5 civilians
Objective: Break into 3 homes to infect occupants; 0 humans flee map
Description: Break into multiple locked homes to infect the occupants. Sleeping humans are easier to sneak up on.
Concepts demonstrated: exerting influence; managing a multi-structure siege
----Mission 9: The long arm of the law
Time: Night
Moon: Quarter
Map: Sleepy desert town/outpost/police station exterior
Starting conditions: 15 zombies; 1 policeman
Objective: Infect the Sheriff's Deputy before help arrives; At least one zombie must survive
Description: Infect the Sheriff's Deputy while he's napping by breaking into the cruiser outside of the police station.
Concepts demonstrated: exerting influence; combat with armed human units; siege of a parked, disabled and barricaded vehicle
---Mission 10: Throw the book at em'
Time: Night
Moon: Quarter
Map: Sleepy desert town/outpost/police station ext/interior
Starting conditions: 20 zombies; 3 policeman
Objective: Infect 3 policeman; At least one zombie must survive
Description: Determine strategic entry points into the police station and infect the occupants.
Concepts demonstrated: exerting influence; combat with armed human units; strategic siege of a building with several entrances
---Mission 11: Midnight snack
Time: Night
Moon: Quarter
Map: Sleepy desert town/outpost/outskirts
Starting conditions: 25 zombies; 1 policeman in cruiser; 10 civilians
Objective: Infect 5/10 civilians. At least one zombie must survive
Description: The townsfolk are fleeing and must be stopped. Use strategic positioning to cut off escape routes. Avoid combat with police unless necessary.
Concepts demonstrated: exerting influence; combat with armed human units; pursuing fleeing humans
---Mission 12: I heard the suburbs are nice
Time: Night
Moon: Quarter
Map: Aquifer culvert exit/suburbia
Starting Conditions: 20 zombies; 50 civilians; 3 off-duty policemen; 1 on-duty policeman
Objective: Infect as many people as possible, this will determine how many zombies you have in the next mission. The archeologist must survive.
Description: Unwary but somewhat night oriented townsfolk are just waiting for you in convenient boxes with glass entrances. I hear there's a party near the house by the park. Just make sure not to be there if there's a "noise complaint".
Concepts demonstrated: exerting influence; human hysteria; combat with armed human units; human weakness at night; pursuing fleeing humans; special events; how to clean freshly maimed meat out of your zombie teeth.
Mission 13: The Terrifying reality that is POPO!
Time: Midnight
Moon: Quarter
Map: Suburbia from last mission but with focus moved more into town, away from aquifer. Police Station now part of map.
Starting Conditions: How many zombies you had at the end of last mission; 80 civilians; 20 policemen, 4 in squad cars; possible implementation of house pets and squirrels.
Objective: BRAINS! Keep eating, try to avoid contact with the police, but don't fear them. You're a horde of zombies after all.
Description: Okay, I think you ate a little too much at the party dude. I guess people thought you overreacted when you literally ripped the DJ's head off in the middle of that hit new song that everyone hated.
So, someone called the cops. Don't overreact, I'm sure they'll understand, or maybe not.
Concepts demonstrated: exerting influence; human hysteria; combat with armed human units; human weakness at night; pursuing fleeing humans; human groups actively seeking out the horde; cars and how smashing a human corpse through a windshield can stop them at slow speeds.
Mission ends when zombie count reaches 140% what it was at start of mission.
Mission 14: We Strike at Dawn! Oh, I mean BRAINS!!! BRAINS!!!
Time: Dawn
Moon: Quarter
Map: Commercial center of Suberbia, lead through from Police Station. A few restaurants, a mall, and some miscellaneous stores (clinics, office supply, electronics etc.)
Starting Conditions: How many zombies you had at the end of last mission, 140 civilians; 10 policemen in high alert, all in squad cars.
Civilians aware that something bad is going on, not quite sure what. Likely to barricade smaller areas a signs of trouble.
Objective: Invade the mall, consider small areas for bonuses. (More points for taking down the clinic, one doctor won't be available in future missions)
Bring Mall health down to 0.
Description: the price on organic meats is rising, and you're not about to be caught dead paying 50 more cents per pound! (Get it?)
Concepts Demonstrated: exerting influence; human hysteria and blockades; combat with armed units; the equalizing pre-day post-night; pursuing fleeing humans; human convoys actively hunting undead; cars and how to kill them; buildings, capturing buildings; and building health.
Mission ends when the mall falls.
Take out photographer for undefined bonus.
Mission 14.5: Yes Master, I will find you fancy attire!
Time: Dawn
Moon : Quarter
Map: the mall from the inside.
Starting conditions : How many zombies you had at end of 14. 10 Rent-A-Cops, 3 off-duty cops, 35 scared and barricading civilians.
Objective: Thanatos will you to protect him as he searches the stores for things he may find useful, mainly fancy suits and giant pretzels but he is definitely searching for some ancient artifact. Right?
Description: So, the man behind the puppets has finally arrived, and he's brought you a present. This here is an "Abyssal Whisper". He says that its a rental so you can get it back after you earn it, but he wanted to give you some incentive. Now, go raid that Clothes Den while Thanatos rides a rickshaw pulled by the archeologist.
Concepts Demonstrated: Exerting influence, human behavior and hysteria, combat with armed units (and mall cops with batons or tasers), equalized transitionary period, pursuing fleeing and assaulting barricaded humans. Guiding and protecting Thanatos, abyssal whisper and its influences.
Mission 15: Early Morning Commute.
Time: Morning, around 7 a.m.
Moon: Quarter but that's irrelevant.
Map: This map will consist of a highway entry point near the town, into a nearby city. For the first time, we see cultists from the local area, having heard or seen these events from the shadows, they now have armored vans and will round up your zombies and lead them into the city safely, whether you like it or not, via the highway. Of course, you could just walk across the highway, or maybe along it.
Starting conditions: how many zombies you had at the end of 14.5 + 20.
Different roads that link in with the town's road will have early morning commuters, and the lanes are prone to traffic. Humans will spawn in via car until traffic jams up too much. Mind you, people on the roads have a 10% chance of being armed, and all can go zombie bowling with a Winnebago. One of the highway roads is closed for construction. Only source of food for zombies is human.
Objective: Go on your early morning commute to the city. Someone's got to pay for all these brains your zombies got from the mall.
Description: Well, maybe we overreacted a little bit in that last town. I mean, you did good and all, wiped the place off the map, but your zombies are getting hungry right around now. They'll last but they won't be happy. You should probably head to the city and enjoy some local cuisine, this assuming you make it there.
Concepts demonstrated: exerting influence; human behavior and hysteria; combat with armed units; day time human strength; pursuing fleeing humans; cars and how to kill them; traffic accidents; cultists, the greatest ally you never wanted.
Mission 16: The Fall of -Redacted-
Moon: Gibbous
Map: You're starting to walk into borderline city area here. Buildings are getting taller, and spaces are getting smaller. If any of the cultists took your zombies, they will start in somewhat vulnerable cages in a room dedicated to demonic rituals, in some dude's mom's basement.
Starting Conditions: How many zombies you had at the end of last mission.
500+ humans, 40 policemen, 12 gang members, parked cars, for some reason, not many people are coming to work today, maybe a new sciency puzzle game came out.
Objective: You are heavily outnumbered here, but these are city folk. They know the streets, but said streets have a lot of dead ends and its crowded. Stick to the back alleys and let the invasion force permeate. Zombies don't like the light so you really don't have to micromanage too much. Its about time you start the slaughter, so get busy.
Description : Well, good job Sheriff. You've managed to get to the city mostly intact. Yet, I got to say, you are heavily outnumbered here. I would seriously recommend sticking to the shadows and being cautious, avoiding the main roads. Humans are deadly creatures when in large crowds and can rip open tanks if provoked hard enough. (Get it?)
Concepts demonstrated: Exerting influence; human behavior and hysteria; human factions (cultists, gang thugs, cops, civilians), combat with armed units, day time human strength; pursuing fleeing humans; vehicular factors; cultists and their stupid free will; acting in the shadows; zombie's desire to stick to shadows.
Cultists: Will try to keep captured horde inside room, will not fight against them however. If horde in room left alone too long, cultists will start making sacrifices. After escape, cultists will see as opportunity and will blockade other humans inside walls so they cannot flee, liable to be killed if seen doing so.
Gang Members: Representing modern gangsters and illegal drug market, these guys aren't really for anyone. They will act against police, cultists, zombies, and civilians (if provoked for civilians).
Civilians: GTFO, MAN GTFO! - quoted from citizen Leeroy Higgins of the red shirt production company as zombies blocked the building's emergency exits. Civilians hide and run from zombies after witnessing attack. It wouldn't be wrong to assume they'd think these are just people in make-up for some convention.
Mission 17: Wait, WE'VE BEEN EATING PEOPLE!?
Time: Mid-Day
Moon: Gibbous
Map: inner-city, leading into GREEN RESEARCH LABS
Police station mid-way to Green Research Labs.
Starting Conditions: How many zombies you had at the end of mission 16 + 40 that just found their way to the city after getting some fast food. 20 gang members, 500+ citizens, 50 policemen which respawn until police station falls. If mission exceeds 30 minutes, S.W.A.T. will start to spawn in outlying areas. (to prevent the player from taking advantage of infinite cops)
Objective: Lead your horde to the Green Research Labs, and claim it in the name of Thanatos.
Description: Thanatos has been whispering to you, he speaks of a lab, Green, where they experiment on cadavers, attempting to reanimate the brain, to test how someone would react dead but alive. That's his deal, and he isn't going to have any of this. Go eat GREEN!
Concepts Demonstrated: Exerting influence, human behavior and hysteria, combat with armed units, human advantage of day, pursuing fleeing humans, different human factions, zombie's desire to stick to the shadows, attacking and taking down buildings, eating your greens.
Edit: If we end up going with that multiplayer , Green could possibly justify zombie vs. zombie combat.
Mission 18 : SCIENCE, brains!
Time: Its right around night time, how convenient?
Moon: Gibbous
Map: The Green Research Labs, a facility which appears normal on the inside, but holds many tanks of resurrected humans in experimental goo capsules, chopped up torsos, and the first super enemy, The Eviscerator.
Starting Conditions: How many zombies you had at the end of mission 17, + 40 if number is below 200, 80 scientists armed with sub machine guns (man, this place is shady), after dealing enough damage, The Eviscerator is released.
Objective: Shut down this operation, its about time you took out any competition, so things don't get out of hand.
Description: Thanatos wants this place shutdown. He thinks something fishy is going on and he wants part in it, every part.
Concepts Demonstrated: Exerting Influence, Human behavior and hysteria, combat with armed units who know where to hit, zombie advantage of night, dealing with barricades, extracting zombies from environment, boss enemies.
At end of mission, cut-scene shows Thanatos prepping Eviscerator for your use.
Mission 19 : Re-Reviving the dead is hard work.
Time: night
Moon: Gibbous
Map: The Green Research Labs, just a bit more destroyed is all.
Starting Conditions: How many zombies you had at the end of 18 + 50
An outpouring of Government or Green operatives will be coming into the lab, doing S.W.A.T. things, trying to get to Thanatos. You don't want that.
Objective: Protect Thanatos as he does his job, getting The Eviscerator ready for you. Should take about 7 minutes.
Description: Thanatos is getting your buddy you just took down patched up, maybe with a little gift wrap, just to make it extra special for you. In return, he can't be interrupted too much or he'll go start a zombie apocalypse somewhere else, maybe somewhere with a nice holiday island.
Concepts Demonstrated: Exerting influence, human convoys actively hunting horde, combat with armed units, zombie advantage at night, dealing with barricades, maybe making meat shield walls, protecting Thanatos.
Mission 20: HEY, Look what I can do!
Time: Midnight
Moon: Gibbous
Map : The rooftops of the city
Starting Conditions: The Eviscerator, 10 civilians, 2 of which are armed.
Your zombies from mission 19 are assorted across multiple rooftops, some capable of doing things, most not. 1 man hand cuffed on top of a clothing store department store (get it?)
Objective: This is just to instruct in the basics of The Eviscerator and maybe go more in depth as to how the aberrations work than the Whisper mission. Mainly, you're just going to use him to pick off stragglers and get big threats out of the way quickly.
Description : Well, what can I say? This freak of zombie nature that you're going to grow to love is The Eviscerator. He wants to show you how he works so before we head out, we're going to check for stragglers on the roof tops.
Concepts Demonstrated: Exerting influence, human behavior and hysteria, combat with armed units, zombie advantage at night, dealing with barricades, The Eviscerator.
Description: Retrieve the phylactery from the desert dig site before the government does.
Human Defensive Posture: Alarmed and panicking. The government is giving residents instructions for their protection. They're investigating the source of the infection in the desert. Individual citizens begin arming and defending themselves. National Guard militaries are deployed to major cities and some outlying areas.
Goal: Save the phylactery so that it may be carried with the horde and be protected.
Average Horde Size: Medium
Missions: ?
Description: Work through several offensive and defensive missions advancing the horde and repelling attacks by government forces and organized militias.
Human Defensive Posture: Organized resistance in small groups. Citizens have organized into small, but robust survivor groups and are attempting to join other groups or are dug into defensive positions. The National Guard continues to focus its resources upon the most populated areas, cities, with some support to outlying areas. Spontaneous, new human settlements start to take form.
Goal: Take over outlying areas restricting humans to their cities.
Average Horde Size: Medium
Missions: ?
Description: Work through primarily offensive missions by infiltrating deep into human settlements including cities using stealth and surprise.
Human Defensive Posture: Organized resistance in large groups. Citizens have organized into large, robust survivor groups and dug into defensive positions and have established safe day travel routes. The regular military is now involved continues to focus its resources upon the largest human population sites, such as remaining cities. Major military forces deployed.
Goal: Probe weaknesses of major human settlements and create "back doors" for a major siege.
Average Horde Size: Large
Missions: ?
Description: Work through major offensive and defensive missions using brutal frontal attacks and waves of zombies.
Human Defensive Posture: Intense resistance and counter-attacking by regular and elite military forces. Survivors have all moved under the protection of remaining cities and new, major settlements. The humans are joined by one or two mysterious supernatural forces (Hercules, et. al.) as an intro to the next campaign.
Goal: Destroy a major and heavily fortified human settlement or city.
Average Horde Size: Large
Missions: ?
Description: Work through major offensive missions chasing humans dislodged by the Flesh Titan. Battle elite and regular military forces and supernatural forces using massive and rampaging hordes.
Human Defensive Posture: Combat on the move and in the open as humans retreat to the last known safe settlements.
Goal: Stop humans from making it to the last known safe settlements.
Average Horde Size: Massive
Missions: ?
Description: Work through offensive and defensive missions using the Aberrations of the player's choice.
Human Defensive Posture: Intense resistance, attacking and counter-attacking by elite and regular military forces, augmented by Hercules supernatural forces in apocalyptic battles.
Goal: Defeat the humans, Hercules and his forces.
Average Horde Size: Massive
Missions: ?
Its a zombie strategy game called Dead Reckoning.
The story centers around The Greek Angel of Death, Thanatos.
This is a mock-up of the intro writing.
Long has he, The Angel of Death, brooded since his humiliation at the hands of the warrior god. Having been confined mortal in the eyes of men, Thanatos was forced into seclusion in the deepest bowels of hell with his brother, Hypnos, but unlike the fool he lived with, Death does not stay content in eternal rest. It must cause devastation when it strikes, changing the tides of power in its wake. a relic was passed unto the mortal realm as Thanatos worked, and unto the world his curse lay, years upon years passing. In the coming years, Thanatos took sport in placing "hints" as to the relic's location, so that the power or fame hungry who he so easily could manipulate would seek it. On June 13th of 2014, an archeologist, humanity's great cartographer of the old world, stumbled across Thanatos's plan. This is where you come in, dear lordly lich. For it is now that the apocalypse begins.
My job has been character design and story work.
I'm not the only one who has been doing such, but I'm the only person currently working on it. I'm posting more than just my work. You can tell because I'm not so great at this.
Spoiler (Click to View)
![[Image: 0OqxVro.jpg]](
![[Image: HHuY4Qx.jpg]](
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![[Image: 5EULryL.jpg]](
![[Image: nvJdVA6.jpg]](
Its still in Alpha at the moment so its not uber-polished or anything, but its there.
Its not really at that point yet, but if you've ever played Majesty, we're planning on making the zombie system similar to how bounties worked, where the horde acted on its own but you could place priorities as incentive.
Here's some details on the special zombies, aberrations, and other factors that affect units.
So, thoughts?
Mission details (big) (not all of them)
Spoiler (Click to View)
![[Image: 1-12.png]](
![[Image: 1-13.png]](
![[Image: 1-14.png]](
Spoiler (Click to View)
Description: Establish the initial infection story and how to control the horde.
Human Defensive Posture: Surprised, but relaxed. Strange things are happening with some reports of "zombies" moving in from the countryside. Most dismiss the reports as lunacy. There will be only light resistance.
Goal: Take over a small metropolitan area.
Average Horde Size: Small
Missions: 1-8 (so far, envisioning about 20)
Location: Desert
----Mission 1: Hungry...
Time: Day
Moon: N/A
Map: Phylactery dig site
Starting conditions: 1 zombie; misc vermin
Objective: 5 vermin eaten. All zombies must survive.
Description: Your zombie is starving and must feed... Be creative!
Concepts demonstrated: exerting influence; eating to not starve.
----Mission 2: Eat The Neighbors
Time: Day
Moon: N/A
Map: Gas station
Starting conditions: 1 zombie; 1 civilian
Objective: 1/1 civilians infected. All zombies must survive.
Description: Sneak in the back door of the service station and infect the attendant.
Concepts demonstrated: Exerting influence; surprising victims; eating to not starve.
----Mission 3: Service with a frown.
Time: Day
Moon: N/A
Map: Gas station
Starting condition: 2 zombies; 1 civilian
Objective: 1/1 civilians infected. All zombies must survive.
Description: Civilian enters to pay for fuel. Stop him before he escapes in his vehicle. Setup one zombie at the back of the shop and one at the front door to close off his escape.
Concepts demonstrated: Exerting influence; closing off escape routes; eating to not starve
----Mission 4: Persistence is the key.
Time: Day
Moon: N/A
Map: Gas station
Starting condition: 3 zombies; 1 civilian
Objective: 1/1 civilians infected. All zombies must survive.
Description: You've been spotted by a lone jogger! Chase the jogger into the desert and stop him before he escapes and alerts the authorities!
Concepts demonstrated: Humans run fast, but tire. Zombies move slow but don't tire - persistence is the key; stopping civilians from alerting authorities.
----Mission 5: Eat at the Diner
Time: Day
Moon: N/A
Map: Diner
Starting condition: 4 zombies; 5 civilians
Objective: 5/5 civilians infected. All zombies must survive.
Description: Set up one zombie at the front door and three at the back door. When civilians see the zombie enter the front door they run out of the back door where the other zombies are waiting.
Concepts demonstrated: Exerting influence; closing off escape routes; eating to not starve.
----Mission 6: Zombies on a train!
Time: Day
Moon: N/A
Map: Train station exterior; train
Starting conditions: 8 zombies; 20 civilians
Objective: 15 of 20 civilians infected.
Description: Zombies pile into the caboose of a train just before it disembarks. With nowhere to run civilians will fight. The horrible occupants arrives at the town of xyz.
Concepts demonstrated: Fighting humans that fight back.
----Mission 7: Playing in Traffic.
Time: Day
Moon: N/A
Map: Train station exterior; town xyz access road
Starting conditions: 25 zombies
Objective: Wreck 3 cars and infect the occupants by walking zombies into traffic blocking the entrance and exit. Infect 3 occupants before they escape the map. Some zombies must survive.
Description: A single road bisects the town. Cut off access to both ends
Concepts demonstrated: Creating road hazards; extracting vehicle occupants; increased influence speed due to larger horde.
----Mission 8: A night on the town
Time: Night
Moon: Quarter
Map: Sleepy desert town/outpost
Starting conditions: 10 zombies; 5 civilians
Objective: Break into 3 homes to infect occupants; 0 humans flee map
Description: Break into multiple locked homes to infect the occupants. Sleeping humans are easier to sneak up on.
Concepts demonstrated: exerting influence; managing a multi-structure siege
----Mission 9: The long arm of the law
Time: Night
Moon: Quarter
Map: Sleepy desert town/outpost/police station exterior
Starting conditions: 15 zombies; 1 policeman
Objective: Infect the Sheriff's Deputy before help arrives; At least one zombie must survive
Description: Infect the Sheriff's Deputy while he's napping by breaking into the cruiser outside of the police station.
Concepts demonstrated: exerting influence; combat with armed human units; siege of a parked, disabled and barricaded vehicle
---Mission 10: Throw the book at em'
Time: Night
Moon: Quarter
Map: Sleepy desert town/outpost/police station ext/interior
Starting conditions: 20 zombies; 3 policeman
Objective: Infect 3 policeman; At least one zombie must survive
Description: Determine strategic entry points into the police station and infect the occupants.
Concepts demonstrated: exerting influence; combat with armed human units; strategic siege of a building with several entrances
---Mission 11: Midnight snack
Time: Night
Moon: Quarter
Map: Sleepy desert town/outpost/outskirts
Starting conditions: 25 zombies; 1 policeman in cruiser; 10 civilians
Objective: Infect 5/10 civilians. At least one zombie must survive
Description: The townsfolk are fleeing and must be stopped. Use strategic positioning to cut off escape routes. Avoid combat with police unless necessary.
Concepts demonstrated: exerting influence; combat with armed human units; pursuing fleeing humans
---Mission 12: I heard the suburbs are nice
Time: Night
Moon: Quarter
Map: Aquifer culvert exit/suburbia
Starting Conditions: 20 zombies; 50 civilians; 3 off-duty policemen; 1 on-duty policeman
Objective: Infect as many people as possible, this will determine how many zombies you have in the next mission. The archeologist must survive.
Description: Unwary but somewhat night oriented townsfolk are just waiting for you in convenient boxes with glass entrances. I hear there's a party near the house by the park. Just make sure not to be there if there's a "noise complaint".
Concepts demonstrated: exerting influence; human hysteria; combat with armed human units; human weakness at night; pursuing fleeing humans; special events; how to clean freshly maimed meat out of your zombie teeth.
Mission 13: The Terrifying reality that is POPO!
Time: Midnight
Moon: Quarter
Map: Suburbia from last mission but with focus moved more into town, away from aquifer. Police Station now part of map.
Starting Conditions: How many zombies you had at the end of last mission; 80 civilians; 20 policemen, 4 in squad cars; possible implementation of house pets and squirrels.
Objective: BRAINS! Keep eating, try to avoid contact with the police, but don't fear them. You're a horde of zombies after all.
Description: Okay, I think you ate a little too much at the party dude. I guess people thought you overreacted when you literally ripped the DJ's head off in the middle of that hit new song that everyone hated.
So, someone called the cops. Don't overreact, I'm sure they'll understand, or maybe not.
Concepts demonstrated: exerting influence; human hysteria; combat with armed human units; human weakness at night; pursuing fleeing humans; human groups actively seeking out the horde; cars and how smashing a human corpse through a windshield can stop them at slow speeds.
Mission ends when zombie count reaches 140% what it was at start of mission.
Mission 14: We Strike at Dawn! Oh, I mean BRAINS!!! BRAINS!!!
Time: Dawn
Moon: Quarter
Map: Commercial center of Suberbia, lead through from Police Station. A few restaurants, a mall, and some miscellaneous stores (clinics, office supply, electronics etc.)
Starting Conditions: How many zombies you had at the end of last mission, 140 civilians; 10 policemen in high alert, all in squad cars.
Civilians aware that something bad is going on, not quite sure what. Likely to barricade smaller areas a signs of trouble.
Objective: Invade the mall, consider small areas for bonuses. (More points for taking down the clinic, one doctor won't be available in future missions)
Bring Mall health down to 0.
Description: the price on organic meats is rising, and you're not about to be caught dead paying 50 more cents per pound! (Get it?)
Concepts Demonstrated: exerting influence; human hysteria and blockades; combat with armed units; the equalizing pre-day post-night; pursuing fleeing humans; human convoys actively hunting undead; cars and how to kill them; buildings, capturing buildings; and building health.
Mission ends when the mall falls.
Take out photographer for undefined bonus.
Mission 14.5: Yes Master, I will find you fancy attire!
Time: Dawn
Moon : Quarter
Map: the mall from the inside.
Starting conditions : How many zombies you had at end of 14. 10 Rent-A-Cops, 3 off-duty cops, 35 scared and barricading civilians.
Objective: Thanatos will you to protect him as he searches the stores for things he may find useful, mainly fancy suits and giant pretzels but he is definitely searching for some ancient artifact. Right?
Description: So, the man behind the puppets has finally arrived, and he's brought you a present. This here is an "Abyssal Whisper". He says that its a rental so you can get it back after you earn it, but he wanted to give you some incentive. Now, go raid that Clothes Den while Thanatos rides a rickshaw pulled by the archeologist.
Concepts Demonstrated: Exerting influence, human behavior and hysteria, combat with armed units (and mall cops with batons or tasers), equalized transitionary period, pursuing fleeing and assaulting barricaded humans. Guiding and protecting Thanatos, abyssal whisper and its influences.
Mission 15: Early Morning Commute.
Time: Morning, around 7 a.m.
Moon: Quarter but that's irrelevant.
Map: This map will consist of a highway entry point near the town, into a nearby city. For the first time, we see cultists from the local area, having heard or seen these events from the shadows, they now have armored vans and will round up your zombies and lead them into the city safely, whether you like it or not, via the highway. Of course, you could just walk across the highway, or maybe along it.
Starting conditions: how many zombies you had at the end of 14.5 + 20.
Different roads that link in with the town's road will have early morning commuters, and the lanes are prone to traffic. Humans will spawn in via car until traffic jams up too much. Mind you, people on the roads have a 10% chance of being armed, and all can go zombie bowling with a Winnebago. One of the highway roads is closed for construction. Only source of food for zombies is human.
Objective: Go on your early morning commute to the city. Someone's got to pay for all these brains your zombies got from the mall.
Description: Well, maybe we overreacted a little bit in that last town. I mean, you did good and all, wiped the place off the map, but your zombies are getting hungry right around now. They'll last but they won't be happy. You should probably head to the city and enjoy some local cuisine, this assuming you make it there.
Concepts demonstrated: exerting influence; human behavior and hysteria; combat with armed units; day time human strength; pursuing fleeing humans; cars and how to kill them; traffic accidents; cultists, the greatest ally you never wanted.
Mission 16: The Fall of -Redacted-
Moon: Gibbous
Map: You're starting to walk into borderline city area here. Buildings are getting taller, and spaces are getting smaller. If any of the cultists took your zombies, they will start in somewhat vulnerable cages in a room dedicated to demonic rituals, in some dude's mom's basement.
Starting Conditions: How many zombies you had at the end of last mission.
500+ humans, 40 policemen, 12 gang members, parked cars, for some reason, not many people are coming to work today, maybe a new sciency puzzle game came out.
Objective: You are heavily outnumbered here, but these are city folk. They know the streets, but said streets have a lot of dead ends and its crowded. Stick to the back alleys and let the invasion force permeate. Zombies don't like the light so you really don't have to micromanage too much. Its about time you start the slaughter, so get busy.
Description : Well, good job Sheriff. You've managed to get to the city mostly intact. Yet, I got to say, you are heavily outnumbered here. I would seriously recommend sticking to the shadows and being cautious, avoiding the main roads. Humans are deadly creatures when in large crowds and can rip open tanks if provoked hard enough. (Get it?)
Concepts demonstrated: Exerting influence; human behavior and hysteria; human factions (cultists, gang thugs, cops, civilians), combat with armed units, day time human strength; pursuing fleeing humans; vehicular factors; cultists and their stupid free will; acting in the shadows; zombie's desire to stick to shadows.
Cultists: Will try to keep captured horde inside room, will not fight against them however. If horde in room left alone too long, cultists will start making sacrifices. After escape, cultists will see as opportunity and will blockade other humans inside walls so they cannot flee, liable to be killed if seen doing so.
Gang Members: Representing modern gangsters and illegal drug market, these guys aren't really for anyone. They will act against police, cultists, zombies, and civilians (if provoked for civilians).
Civilians: GTFO, MAN GTFO! - quoted from citizen Leeroy Higgins of the red shirt production company as zombies blocked the building's emergency exits. Civilians hide and run from zombies after witnessing attack. It wouldn't be wrong to assume they'd think these are just people in make-up for some convention.
Mission 17: Wait, WE'VE BEEN EATING PEOPLE!?
Time: Mid-Day
Moon: Gibbous
Map: inner-city, leading into GREEN RESEARCH LABS
Police station mid-way to Green Research Labs.
Starting Conditions: How many zombies you had at the end of mission 16 + 40 that just found their way to the city after getting some fast food. 20 gang members, 500+ citizens, 50 policemen which respawn until police station falls. If mission exceeds 30 minutes, S.W.A.T. will start to spawn in outlying areas. (to prevent the player from taking advantage of infinite cops)
Objective: Lead your horde to the Green Research Labs, and claim it in the name of Thanatos.
Description: Thanatos has been whispering to you, he speaks of a lab, Green, where they experiment on cadavers, attempting to reanimate the brain, to test how someone would react dead but alive. That's his deal, and he isn't going to have any of this. Go eat GREEN!
Concepts Demonstrated: Exerting influence, human behavior and hysteria, combat with armed units, human advantage of day, pursuing fleeing humans, different human factions, zombie's desire to stick to the shadows, attacking and taking down buildings, eating your greens.
Edit: If we end up going with that multiplayer , Green could possibly justify zombie vs. zombie combat.
Mission 18 : SCIENCE, brains!
Time: Its right around night time, how convenient?
Moon: Gibbous
Map: The Green Research Labs, a facility which appears normal on the inside, but holds many tanks of resurrected humans in experimental goo capsules, chopped up torsos, and the first super enemy, The Eviscerator.
Starting Conditions: How many zombies you had at the end of mission 17, + 40 if number is below 200, 80 scientists armed with sub machine guns (man, this place is shady), after dealing enough damage, The Eviscerator is released.
Objective: Shut down this operation, its about time you took out any competition, so things don't get out of hand.
Description: Thanatos wants this place shutdown. He thinks something fishy is going on and he wants part in it, every part.
Concepts Demonstrated: Exerting Influence, Human behavior and hysteria, combat with armed units who know where to hit, zombie advantage of night, dealing with barricades, extracting zombies from environment, boss enemies.
At end of mission, cut-scene shows Thanatos prepping Eviscerator for your use.
Mission 19 : Re-Reviving the dead is hard work.
Time: night
Moon: Gibbous
Map: The Green Research Labs, just a bit more destroyed is all.
Starting Conditions: How many zombies you had at the end of 18 + 50
An outpouring of Government or Green operatives will be coming into the lab, doing S.W.A.T. things, trying to get to Thanatos. You don't want that.
Objective: Protect Thanatos as he does his job, getting The Eviscerator ready for you. Should take about 7 minutes.
Description: Thanatos is getting your buddy you just took down patched up, maybe with a little gift wrap, just to make it extra special for you. In return, he can't be interrupted too much or he'll go start a zombie apocalypse somewhere else, maybe somewhere with a nice holiday island.
Concepts Demonstrated: Exerting influence, human convoys actively hunting horde, combat with armed units, zombie advantage at night, dealing with barricades, maybe making meat shield walls, protecting Thanatos.
Mission 20: HEY, Look what I can do!
Time: Midnight
Moon: Gibbous
Map : The rooftops of the city
Starting Conditions: The Eviscerator, 10 civilians, 2 of which are armed.
Your zombies from mission 19 are assorted across multiple rooftops, some capable of doing things, most not. 1 man hand cuffed on top of a clothing store department store (get it?)
Objective: This is just to instruct in the basics of The Eviscerator and maybe go more in depth as to how the aberrations work than the Whisper mission. Mainly, you're just going to use him to pick off stragglers and get big threats out of the way quickly.
Description : Well, what can I say? This freak of zombie nature that you're going to grow to love is The Eviscerator. He wants to show you how he works so before we head out, we're going to check for stragglers on the roof tops.
Concepts Demonstrated: Exerting influence, human behavior and hysteria, combat with armed units, zombie advantage at night, dealing with barricades, The Eviscerator.
Description: Retrieve the phylactery from the desert dig site before the government does.
Human Defensive Posture: Alarmed and panicking. The government is giving residents instructions for their protection. They're investigating the source of the infection in the desert. Individual citizens begin arming and defending themselves. National Guard militaries are deployed to major cities and some outlying areas.
Goal: Save the phylactery so that it may be carried with the horde and be protected.
Average Horde Size: Medium
Missions: ?
Description: Work through several offensive and defensive missions advancing the horde and repelling attacks by government forces and organized militias.
Human Defensive Posture: Organized resistance in small groups. Citizens have organized into small, but robust survivor groups and are attempting to join other groups or are dug into defensive positions. The National Guard continues to focus its resources upon the most populated areas, cities, with some support to outlying areas. Spontaneous, new human settlements start to take form.
Goal: Take over outlying areas restricting humans to their cities.
Average Horde Size: Medium
Missions: ?
Description: Work through primarily offensive missions by infiltrating deep into human settlements including cities using stealth and surprise.
Human Defensive Posture: Organized resistance in large groups. Citizens have organized into large, robust survivor groups and dug into defensive positions and have established safe day travel routes. The regular military is now involved continues to focus its resources upon the largest human population sites, such as remaining cities. Major military forces deployed.
Goal: Probe weaknesses of major human settlements and create "back doors" for a major siege.
Average Horde Size: Large
Missions: ?
Description: Work through major offensive and defensive missions using brutal frontal attacks and waves of zombies.
Human Defensive Posture: Intense resistance and counter-attacking by regular and elite military forces. Survivors have all moved under the protection of remaining cities and new, major settlements. The humans are joined by one or two mysterious supernatural forces (Hercules, et. al.) as an intro to the next campaign.
Goal: Destroy a major and heavily fortified human settlement or city.
Average Horde Size: Large
Missions: ?
Description: Work through major offensive missions chasing humans dislodged by the Flesh Titan. Battle elite and regular military forces and supernatural forces using massive and rampaging hordes.
Human Defensive Posture: Combat on the move and in the open as humans retreat to the last known safe settlements.
Goal: Stop humans from making it to the last known safe settlements.
Average Horde Size: Massive
Missions: ?
Description: Work through offensive and defensive missions using the Aberrations of the player's choice.
Human Defensive Posture: Intense resistance, attacking and counter-attacking by elite and regular military forces, augmented by Hercules supernatural forces in apocalyptic battles.
Goal: Defeat the humans, Hercules and his forces.
Average Horde Size: Massive
Missions: ?