I'm making a Mr gimmick like game for the GBA i was going to be a port but my friend suggested I should make my own game base on the awesome gameplay of the NES (semi-classic) Mr gimmick. i need help with the level's and sprite's at the moment it only using sprites from Mr gimmick from when it was a port so if anybody wants to help they can.
4 colours including transparent on all sprites
4 colours and no transparently on all tile sets
player sprites:
2 standing sprites (for blinking) 6 in running animation 2 on hit by enemy animation
tile set:
can have animated sprites
flying and waking enemies (when fully incremented)
2-3 in running animation
particle fx's like the star you throw
if you can think of another object i can implement it as one of the power(ups if its good).
boss's i will do the sprites on them (i have a good idea for them)
anybody has characters ideas you can think of if there are good i may implement them in ot it
and i think a it will be good if i continue the toy theme as in gimmick (all the characters being toys)
btw it should run on original GBA hardware in i found a Chinese manufacturer who will make my carts so i will look like a official Nintendo product.
i may do a kickstarter a sum point so i have the money for them to make the carts (a lot of money)
4 colours including transparent on all sprites
4 colours and no transparently on all tile sets
player sprites:
2 standing sprites (for blinking) 6 in running animation 2 on hit by enemy animation
tile set:
can have animated sprites
flying and waking enemies (when fully incremented)
2-3 in running animation
particle fx's like the star you throw
if you can think of another object i can implement it as one of the power(ups if its good).
boss's i will do the sprites on them (i have a good idea for them)
anybody has characters ideas you can think of if there are good i may implement them in ot it
and i think a it will be good if i continue the toy theme as in gimmick (all the characters being toys)
btw it should run on original GBA hardware in i found a Chinese manufacturer who will make my carts so i will look like a official Nintendo product.