Hey Gang,
I'm new to the ripping of game models. I have had great success with using Ninja Ripper on a few of my games. The one I'm having issues with is Mortal Kombat X. I was able to launch Ninja Ripper in the game and extract rip files. My issue is all the rips files are collapsed to a single point. Anybody have any ideas how to correct this. When I check the point statistics in 3DS Max it says it has 6000 points. any suggestions would be great. Thanks.
I'm new to the ripping of game models. I have had great success with using Ninja Ripper on a few of my games. The one I'm having issues with is Mortal Kombat X. I was able to launch Ninja Ripper in the game and extract rip files. My issue is all the rips files are collapsed to a single point. Anybody have any ideas how to correct this. When I check the point statistics in 3DS Max it says it has 6000 points. any suggestions would be great. Thanks.