Using Wooxy I've successfully ripped many models from League of Legends, but it seems that Riot Games has changed something to prevent ripping the new 3d models of the newest champions.
Ornn is the most recent champion and unlike any other, when I extract his folder it just gives empty folders or with his splash art.
(If you have the Public Beta Environment (PBE) installed you can also try this on the Evelynn Remake)
I've already tried other extractors but don't have any success.
I can't find a way to get the *.skn, *.skl and even the *.dds of Ornn or the Evelynn Remake on PBE. Anyone here can give me any help?
Ornn is the most recent champion and unlike any other, when I extract his folder it just gives empty folders or with his splash art.
(If you have the Public Beta Environment (PBE) installed you can also try this on the Evelynn Remake)
I've already tried other extractors but don't have any success.
I can't find a way to get the *.skn, *.skl and even the *.dds of Ornn or the Evelynn Remake on PBE. Anyone here can give me any help?