I need help ripping these areas from the game. The original SNES game stored them in tilesets so I figured it'd be the same case here. Only issue is I can't make heads or tails of the ripping process unless I do each tile individually... which would take forever.
I know they're mostly palette swaps but, that's still a big issue when you have no idea how to even start ripping these. Does anyone with DS ripping knowledge out there could make heads or tails of how to rip these sets? They are new areas and no one out there has bothered to rip them because they're just swaps.
I really do need assistance getting these for a project if anyone would be so kind to help. ^^;
I know they're mostly palette swaps but, that's still a big issue when you have no idea how to even start ripping these. Does anyone with DS ripping knowledge out there could make heads or tails of how to rip these sets? They are new areas and no one out there has bothered to rip them because they're just swaps.
I really do need assistance getting these for a project if anyone would be so kind to help. ^^;