(Yesterday 11:32 PM)Rhyme Wrote: I'm on mobile so I may be blind but it looks like there's no lounge and this upsets me
why, tsr, why
(Today 12:29 AM)Rhyme Wrote: error: there is no lounge
suggestion: return the lounge
not asking for the entire sub back, but even just a general topic in gd (or real life if you don't want it viewable by guests I guess)
(Today 12:08 AM)Sevenstitch Wrote: Is there truth in that seemingly humorous statement?
Where do forum games and idle off topic chatter go now?
Is general discussion an all purpose subforum now, or are such frivoloustic diversions no longer allowed?
Some actual clarification would be appreciated, so as to limit potential future unintended infractions.
I understand that actual contentwise, the lounge was sparse, but it can't be denied that it wasn't used and enjoyed by many users.
To compare it to previous versions of the off-topic subforums this site has had in the past, I think one could agree it was a much more mellow and friendly place.
Only my 2 cents of course
Just to piggyback off what Rhyme and Sevenstitch have already spoken up about, can we get the Lounge board back? Like, I dunno, maybe Dazz/Petie don't feel this way because they're more wrapped up on the business end of things and a board that's kind of just "free space for goofy fartin' about" may seem frivolous and time-wasting, but I feel like it's a pretty integral part about what keeps people involved with the community as a whole. It allows people to look at the forums as a whole and go "oh hey, I can go here to work on my art/rip stuff AND it's a cool place to 'hang with chill bros '" instead of looking like a place that's completely sterile and overly curated. I mean, that's why I've stuck around. I came here to improve my spriting skills and stuck around because the community in general is (pretty much) down to earth and chill while still being constructive.
I mean, it's a friggin' forum about pixel art and video game assets, it's not exactly high-class subject matter and I don't think anybody is really looking for a "professional and business-like environment" when they come here. I get that there's a want to clean the place up and make it seem more friendly to outsiders, but after a point it starts to look like we've got a collective stick up our asses. People want to be goofy on the internet. People want a place to play forum games or talk about stuff that ain't super serious. Create that space for them and they'll use it, it's pretty simple.
Also, just throwing it out there, I personally don't think it was a great idea to get rid of the lounge area without any input from the community. It's kind of a big organization change to just... go ahead and do with no real feedback beforehand.