drugs currently available Titanax Male in case you need them. 4.- Tips that will help you to solve Titanax Male mistakes and to cover Titanax Male emotional "hollows" by which it escapes its sexual...
View ArticleSonic Sprites
So, this has been a sprite sheet i've been working on: I haven't modified the sheet at all. I want to see your feedback and what you would like to see added/edited.
View ArticleStreaming Tomorrow
Hello, all! I'm planning a "hide away from the snow" all day stream tomorrow, since it's supposed to snow like it's the apocalypse over here. For the morning, I'm going to do some RPG Maker mapping...
View ArticleMagical Cat Adventures sprite rip
Hi, I've got some problems to rip sprites from this Wintechno arcade game: I'can't find or I don't know where the sprites are pressing F4 with Mame in gfxdecode. Is anyone can help me please? Thnaks...
View ArticleThe French touch and there!
Hi Hi! The French touch and there! I live in France in Toulouse. I am 46 years old and I am single. I am working on the design of a pinball table for the arcade-themed Future Pinball software. That's...
View ArticleKing's Raid (Mobile) Model and Texture Help
Hi Guys, So I'm hoping someone here can help me with trying extract the models from this game and possible meshes and animations too as I'd like to make a sort of compendium of the heroes and monsters...
View ArticleHelpful Suggestions
Any Suggestions On How I Could Post This Onto The Site? Â Â Super Sonic In Sonic 1.png (Size: 16.55 KB / Downloads: 0)
View ArticleModels with many images (Unity Conversion)
There are a few models I'm interested in ripping, mainly the Station Square models, but there's one thing about them. The many image textures. When converting models from Blender to Unity I doubt that...
View ArticleArt Style light trax: .brwar files
Hey, I'm attempting to rip the sound files from Art Style: light trax for the Wii. In the file containing the sounds are three folders: BRBNK, BRSEQ, BRWAR. BRSEQ are sequence files. They are 'hooked'...
View ArticleModels ripping from android game made with Unreal Engine
hi everyone, i am new here,names's Prakash. if i am posting on the wrong forum please reply and i will gladly remove it. so the point, i want to rip models of an android game. i can easily extract most...
View ArticleLuigi's mansion: Dark Moon (3ds) Ripping help
So recently I have started on a quest to rip Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. So far I have managed to rip my own copy, and decrypt and rip down to the directories. Of course this is where I have become...
View ArticleFre sound effects for your projects.
Hello.I game developer and always need good high-quality sound effects.I use some good packs, and want to share with you :
View Article[Tutorial] Ripping from Unreal Engine games.
I'm not the best at explaining things but here we go, I also like to use images. Grab Umodel Keep in mind that some parts of the game might not be compatible so check here and if the game isn't on that...
View ArticleI am new here and I have a question
1.- where do I post requests? when I want to comment somewhere it says that hte comment section is not the place to post requests and that I should go to the forums to do it, now that I'm here I STILL...
View ArticleSomeone to regularly rip maps (2D/3D) for me
Greetings! I'm looking for someone to rip 3d and 2d maps for me on a paid, regular basis. Mainly modern PC games but with a touch of Nintendo Only requirement needed is just a decent knowledge of ripping.
View ArticlePokemon Emerald Ripping tool
Hi there, I've recently created a ROM hacking tool for pokemon emerald, which could offer some content for this site (tileset animations, all maps as PNGs, field animations like grass etc.). The source...
View ArticleWonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
There's good news and bad news about this game. Good news is the sprites are on PNG texture atlas sheets. Bad news they're really chopped apart. Here's an example, anyone know and easy way to...
View ArticleShadow's Texture Place
The Textures Resource is the least used site out of all of them, that's a shame. Anyway, I decided since I won't be ripping textures as much as sprites I might as well make one of these showoff-ery...
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