Hi! It's cool if no one answers this, it's not just killing me. But I would like to rip Yooka-Laylee models, and this program not exporting is the only thing keeping me from it. I've tried everything. The 32 bit and 64 bit versions, trying it on compatibility mode, opening just the .assets with models in them and the entire folder with all the .assets, anything you can think of. It exports to .obj just fine, but I want to export to .FBX or .DAE. When it exports a .FBX, it exports a 2kb file no matter what I'm exporting. If I try a .DAE, it just doesn't export at all. Usually I would let it go, but someone else on the forum posted a picture of a rigged and textured Shovel Knight and I want to rip it myself.
So if anyone can think of anything, I'd really appreciate it!
So if anyone can think of anything, I'd really appreciate it!