help with miitopia files
hey!! so with the help of Supurreme, i've gotten most of the files for miitopia! i'm finding everything okay except for the mii faces themselves. does anyone know where i could find them in the files?...
View ArticleOpinions on updating my custom Sonic model
So some of you that regularly browse the models resource may have ran into my custom Sonic model which was modeled and blocked over the Wii model as a reference back in early 2015....
View ArticleHelp Ripping Spongebob BFBB/Movie Models.
I've been wanting to rip models from this game for a while now, but each time I try to it ether does'int do anything, rips only the textures. I know the .hip and .hop files that are normally in heavy...
View ArticleHeyo it's a me heeheeheeeeeeee
Hello, I came to rip models and etc for these sites. I think It'll be fun here
View ArticleFiller (...Player?)
I honestly have no idea what I'm doing with this, but I'd thought it'd be fun just as a way to exercise my pixel art skills. I doubt my character will ever be in this. But if it's decent enough, then I...
View ArticleWhere to Post WIP Projects?
I've been wondering this for a while, but where exactly am I supposed to post status updates about games I'm currently working on? I want to spread the word that I'm working on a few games not yet on...
View Article[HELP] How do i rip from super mario run?
Hello. i'd like to know how to rip from super mario run. I downloaded the apk and renamed it to zip, so fai i have soem folders with sounds and an assets folder with some xml documents and a lot of...
View ArticlePreview image for Sonic Mania model
I was able to get the textures applied on the Sonic Mania model for Sonic. I was also able to get him into a T-Pose. How do I make a preview image? I only have MS Paint, and I need to make the picture...
View ArticleChange Backgroundcolor for ripping from GBA games (VBA))
I've tried to rip some GBA sprites with the VisualBoyAdvance Emulator. The problem is, that if I disable the Background layer, the Backgroundcolor is black in some games. And in the Games I tried, it...
View ArticleRejected game error?
I'm having a strange error when submitting a specific zip file for a newly submitted game that it says that the game I'm submitting for has been rejected. But I looked at the page and the game is still...
View ArticleProgress Reports
Hello everyone, I thought I'd share here how I'm doing with my current audio projects. This is not a place for requests so don't ask, I'll make request threads at a later date when I'm able to. Now...
View ArticleDOS Game
Hello, I am new here (to the forums, but not Spriter's Resource). I've been wanting to rip the sprites and character portraits from a game called Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession. I extracted the ISO to...
View ArticleOriginal File Name, or Localized Name?
I was wondering how I should name the file submission if all the files use the Japanese name for the character? Should I just use the character's localized name, should I use the original Japanese name...
View ArticleRatherNoiceSprites' Custom/Edited Sprites
Here are some of my Custom/Edited sprites. Finished WIP Here's what I'm currently working on:
View ArticleRipping Sprites from an Android APK DEAD AHEAD Help Me
Hi Everyone. I am in need of some help with ripping from an android APK. These are the two APKs that I would like to rip all of the sprites from.
View ArticleAvatar the last airbender BMS script
Hi, I was hoping someone could help me with the last part of the BMS script from .50 files (mesh files) to .3ds files. a quick video tutorial or maybe a step by step list because there are no...
View ArticleExtracting from 3DS (HackingToolkit9DS failed)
I used HackingToolkit9DS to extract a game (Pokédex 3D, specifically), but of all the .bin files, only "DecryptedManual" got anything extracted from it. So I'm left with DecryptedExeFS.bin and...
View ArticleWhere to Submit Rip request?
Hi all, I'm new here. Just wanted to know where I can submit a request to rip the models out of some games? I'm after [Removed requests] Is it even possible to Rip these games? Thank you Steve ~
View ArticleHere's my (not improved at all) sprite work. One thread now!
I'm probably gonna get criticized for this, but KEEP NEGATIVE FEEDBACK TO A MINIMUM. I've done ONE sprite sheet and it's been rejected, and I'm very sensitive. So just say good things if you can. My...
View ArticleReached a dead end trying to rip Magikarp Jump sprites.
I'm trying to rip sprites from Magikarp Jump. (I love Magikarp Jump's art style) I've managed to find and extract its .apk file and I've unzipped the file. The assets folder contains a folder named...
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