Hello there!
Hello! I decided to make a new account for this site as I accidentally deleted my activation key for my old account waaay back in the day. Anyways, I just wanted to drop by and say hello and I hope you...
View ArticleHans-Cuff's Stupendous Thread for Weird Sprites.
Welcome to the official thread for Hans-Cuff's weird sprites. Don't expect him to make many sprites, he's a slowpoke-Cuff! -"Tay"
View ArticleSonic The Hack Ripper
Hey guys look I'm not dead. Might be posting some more rips in the future since the site allows stuff from hacks now, so might as well throw my hat into the ring. So, enjoy Atomic Sonic. Might update...
View ArticleI have some questions about how to extract pictures from digimon's NDS games
the games like "Digimon World DS、 Digimon World Dawn & Dusk 、Digimon Story: Lost Evolution 、Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Red & Blue" How to extract the pictures from the .NDS file? I've been...
View ArticleAsterix - help upload
In the link below are rips of all models related to Asterix that I have ripped. Since I do not have time, I cannot upload them onto the site. If anyone else can, feel free to upload them. Link:...
View ArticleBubsy the Woolies Strike Back - .pak
I have been trying to rip the newest bubsy game to realise the game uses .pak . when looking for decompilers, ive seen a lot of formats use the same name. Do you guys know a way to figure out which one...
View Articlehello!
hello i found this website from googling. i think this site is very cool. i'm from south korea and i want to be a game developer please take care
View ArticleMixamo - help upload
I have downloaded the models from Mixamo which are/where available to download for free, plus some of their animations. I do not have the time to upload them to the webste, so here is the link. If...
View ArticleRayman - help upload
Here are models from the Rayman series which I have ripped, however I do not have the time to upload them to the website. If anyone else can, feel free to upload them. Rayman M:...
View ArticleI liked the dark theme better
It was more sleek and less eye-bleach This is not a joke I found the dark resource. Thanks .
View ArticleHello everybody!
Hello! I'm ScratchU90, When i didn't have an account here i really liked to see the models and check them out. So, now i finally made a account! Yay!
View ArticleVideo Game Characters and Real People competing in a Grand Prix Championship
I know it sounds crazy for Fan-Fiction or anything but, imagine if Video Game Characters and Real People competing in a Grand Prix Championship? (10 Teams, 30 Drivers, Mario Kart Style, no items and...
View ArticleHelp with rip from Shadow War of Succession
Hi. I just wanna some help about rip sprites from Shadow War of Succession. I extracted the CD Files on a folder and there are 4 files. Most probably that the sprites are on the .IMG of the game. I...
View ArticleThe Sonic Boll thread
There's a fangame called Sonic Boll that recently updated to version 1.7, which is drastically different then prior versions. The basic premise is that it's worlds 1-1 through 6-4 of Super Mario Bros.,...
View ArticleWhat to do with models in .ACT format (old Disney game)
I have a copy of an old Windows game called Mickey Saves the Day: 3D Adventure, and I went digging in the files, and managed to find nearly all the character models as .act files, along with .skl and...
View ArticleBubsy the Woolies Strike Back - file formats
I have been trying to find bubsy's model, with no luck. I ripped the entire .pak folder (as mentioned in a previous post) which gave me all the sprites, music, voices from Bubsy and even leftover...
View ArticleSiul's rips
After learning that making a new thread everytime I rip something is dumb, I decided to compile all the rips I've done so far into 1 thread! yay TWINE: Raptor Magnum Deutsche M45 Meyer TMP Meyer...
View ArticleSonicfan32's sound/voice rippings.
Just decided to do something else than sprite ripping on the site. First thing to show is Bubsy's voice from the SNES version of Bubsy: Claws Encountered Of The Furred Kind. (Also uploaded it to a...
View ArticlePNG images, but I can't open them
Here is an example: https://www.file-upload.net/download-127...0.png.html Size: 17,6 kilobyte. File extension: PNG This is from Orc Castle, a PC game. Apparently, the game uses a special PNG version...
View ArticleCrash Bandicoot 2 and 3 Model Ripping Problem
As of a year ago model ripping for both Crash 2 and 3 is 100% possible through Werenhuis Model Ripping Program but the problem with this program (and probably with a lot of other games like spyro) is...
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