Burning Rangers: Voice-Collection of both languages
I do wish to have all voices, but they need to be organized to certain characters...! :/
View ArticleRipping PSX models with a hex editor?
So I recently found out that someone extracted the whole 1st level of Bubsy 3D with a hex editor. I'm wondering how this is done, and would this lead to better and more accurate PSX model extraction...
View ArticleHow do you call this expression/effect?
I've seen it so many times on anime shows, but I have no idea what's it called: Might be a little bit hard to see due to transparency. Edit: Nevermind, this effect is called "speedlines".
View ArticleNintendo DS - Ripping an Entire Map
Does anyone know how to rip a whole map like https://www.spriters-resource.com/ds_dsi...eet/42514/ or https://www.spriters-resource.com/ds_dsi...eet/29646/? I've tried using an emulators view...
View ArticleProgramming (coding) chat thread
Discuss, post, ask for help with etc. coding stuff as long as moral. What video game system games get coded with what language? For example if PlayStation 2 games are coded with C++ and PlayStation 2's...
View ArticleDeleting Spritesheets
Hello! I was wondering if it would be possible to delete a spritesheet. You see, over on the page for Yume Nikki I uploaded some backgrounds from it, but now I want to just post them all into a zip...
View ArticleHelp with a Switch Game?
Which is Super Bomberman R, oddly enough. It's a Unity game, enough said. The version of Unity used is 5.5, and only 1 asset editor can open it. But, I can't technically use any since the .tex files...
View ArticleSir Bullywug
Bugbear paladin to Lliira the goddess of joy His backstory is pretty simple, when he found out what happens to goblinoids when they die he ran away from home and begged and pleaded to be brought to a...
View ArticleTitle Ideas for Fan-Fiction Crossover Fighting Games
I am a huge fighting game fan from the likes of Tekken. If there were more crossover fighting games, which name or title do you think will sound awesome? Example: Hyper Fighters
View ArticleWhich Genre is better for Crossover Video Games?
Which Genre is better for Crossover Video Games?
View ArticleAre homebrew developers allowed to submit assets of their games?
Are developers of homebrew games allowed to submit the assets of their homebrew games on the VG Resource sites? If the answer is yes, what are the limitations, requirements, or rules to do so?
View ArticleQuestion For RTB, Dazz, MJ, .etc
What Began The VG-Resource And How Did This Model Ripping Situation Got Into Effect. And Who First Founded The Website.
View ArticleSonic Forces PC (.pac/.pac.000)
Might as well get this ball rolling. Have a look, see what can be done, need any more files, let me know. Dropbox Link
View ArticleWii U/3DS/Mobile problem
I can't access this site and others on my 3DS, Wii U, or phone. Why is that?
View ArticleHelp for ripping arcade sound effects
I want to rip some sound effects from arcade games like Bosconian or King & Balloon and other games and stuff... but I can't find anything to use to rip them. Is there any softwares or something...
View ArticleHelp With Ripping Sprites
Hello. I want to rip sprites from mario game gallery (or mario FUNdamentals) But i don't know how to rip the sprites. I tried to open the files but nothing. Please help
View ArticleScheduled Maintenance
Hey everyone! I probably should have done this earlier but better late than never. As I'm sure many of you are aware, we had some downtime starting on Monday and lasting into a part of yesterday. While...
View ArticleBeyond the Kawaii - Anime thread
Are you watching some anime? You want some suggestions? wanna talk about something on the genre? That's the thread to do it. As for me I recently finished watching Kakegurui and enjoyed it a lot, I...
View ArticleThings that should be removed and not admitted
I check frequently the main site, and i notice a thing, that disappoints me. The increasing of the nsfw erotic content. I understand if a game have some sexy pose, or naked caracter, but accepting...
View ArticleSuggestion: Better NSFW Handling?
Add a system toggle in tSR that hides all NSFW content from updates and gallery. Kinda like Google's Safe Search system.
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