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Models Pending

So it's been a week since i uploaded the unused models from Mario Kart Double Dash. Are the models approved?

The Problem With Tornado Outbreak's audio

Well! I managed to extract both PS3 and Wii version of the audio and they both won't play! 

Wii Version: https://mega.nz/#!dvYHyRaS

PS3 Version: https://mega.nz/#!k7AH3CYB

If anyone Can tell me what is wrong that'll be great!

Donkey Kong 64 - Fungi Forest

Hello all,

I've been working on this rip for the last week. Fungi Forest has always been one of my favorite maps, along with many others from Nintendo 64. My dream is to import ripped "oldies" into a forge-like VR game.

Anyway, to the rip!

Some notes:
- I ripped this with LemD3D8 on Project64 and Blender. If anyone needs a copy of the DLL or instructions on how to use them on Win 10, I'd be happy to help
- The model was not moved or scaled at all, its in the original position as it was upon import.
- I used "Remove Doubles" to remove duplicate vertices. This is a highly necessary feature because I had to import the model bit by bit. Due to this though, the duplicate faces from texture blending were removed.
- Donkey Kong 64 uses texture blending, due to many reasons, I am unable to incorporate this. When texture blending is present, I chose the dominant and most appropriate texture.
- There are some mesh faces that do not have textures because they're supposed to be single colors. (Snide's HQ camera, top of the apple, Funky's Store banana, all of the entrances) I'm not sure how to work on these for an .obj export, so I added a "colors" folder that should help others who'd like to work on this.
- When exporting, LemD3D8 split the colors and alphas to different files. I used GIMP to add the alphas.
- There are duplicate textures and materials that have the same texture. This is due to importing the model bit by bit. There is no visual difference, but if you're importing this map into a different game, I'd suggest some extra work to merge the materials and remove duplicate textures for cleanliness.
- I added one frame of the water, for reference.
- I didn't add anything non-static, so anything spinning or moving. This relates to things like the spinning character barrels, enemies, characters, and ammo.
- All of the static props are included (mushroom trees, tree trunks, cannons, teleport pads, buttons, etc.) Except the special barrels like the ones Tiny uses to shrink. If requested, I'll add these as well, maybe as a separate .obj file and you can just merge them.

If there's anything I missed, feel free to request them. Aside from Tiny's barrels, I believe everything is included.

Other notes about Nintendo 64 ripping:
LemD3D8 & Project64 - most games
Banjo's Backpack - Banjo Kazooie
Toad's Tool & 3DVIA Printscreen - Super Mario 64 (set view to "Top")
Wumba's Wigwam - Banjo Tooie (it's still Beta)

.jpg   Fungi Forest.jpg (Size: 417.34 KB / Downloads: 3)

Red Alert 2 - Vehicles

Hello all,

Here are some Red Alert 2 vehicles:

- Allied - Battle Fortress
- Allied - Chrono Miner
- Allied - Mirage Tank
- Allied - Mobile Construction Vehicle
- Soviet - Mobile Construction Vehicle
- Soviet - V3 Rocket Launcher
- Yuri - Boomer
- Yuri - Mastermind
- Yuri - Mobile Construction Vehicle

* These models are mirrored on the Y axis. (Left <-> Right)
* These models are hollow, if you want I can fill them and re-upload for the purposes of 3D printing.

Red Alert 2 uses voxels for the vehicles, ships, and aircraft. Voxels are pixel based models. I kept the original pixel theme when converting them to .obj files.

The process to export the models:
Open ra2.mix or ra2md.mix with XCC Mixer and extract local.mix or localmd.mix
Open local.mix or localmd.mix with XCC Mixer and extract .vxl files
Import the .vxl files with VoxelShop and export them as .qb
Import the .qb files with MagicaVoxel and export them as .obj
The final model will be mirrored on the Y axis

Note: MagicaVoxel has a size limit, so things like the Aircraft Carrier, Cruiser, and Kirov Airship are cut off.

Another method:
Instead of importing the .qb files with MagicaVoxel, import them with Zoxel and export as .zox, then use the plugin to import that into Blender. It will be imported, but there will be difficulties exporting as a .obj file because this method uses colors, not textures.

I can work on the Kirov Airship by splitting the left half and right half as .qb files, converting them, then merging them in Blender. If anyone wants it.

This also works for Tiberium Sun.

An alternative:
Open the .xvl files with Voxel Section Editor, select Tools, and 3D Modelizer. This will render the voxel as a mesh instead of a pixel model. The pixel model is better because it's a direct export, and it looks better than the mesh. The mesh is like blurring an image. Make sure you choose Pallet > Red Alert 2 > uniturb.pal.

Here are some file descriptions:

teletur.vxl (Yuri - Magnetron Turret)
mind.vxl (Yuri - Mastermind)
pcv.vxl (Yuri - Mobile Construction Vehicle)
smin.vxl (Yuri - Slave Miner)
smintur.vxl (Yuri - Slave Miner Turret)
hornet.vxl (Allied - Hornet - Aircraft Carrier)
shad.vxl (Allied - Nighthawk Transport)
schp.vxl (Soviet - Siege Chopper)
spyp.vxl (Soviet - Spy Plane)
aegis.vxl (Allied - Aegis Cruiser)
carrier.vxl (Allied - Aircraft Carrier)
lcrf.vxl (Allied - Amphibious Transport)
bfrt.vxl (Allied - Battle Fortress)
beag.vxl (Allied - Black Eagle)
cmin.vxl (Allied - Chrono Miner)
destwo.vxl (Allied - Destroyer - Empty)
dest.vxl (Allied - Destroyer)
rtank.vxl (Allied - Mirage Tank)
mcv.vxl (Allied - Mobile Construction Vehicle)
robo.vxl (Allied - Robot Tank)
robotur.vxl (Allied - Robot Tank Turret)
tnkd.vxl (Allied - Tank Destoryer)
cruise.vxl (Civilian - Cruise Ship)
dshp.vxl (GDI - Orca Dropship)
orcatran.vxl (GDI - Orca Transport)
sapc.vxl (NOD - Subterranean Armoured Personal Carrier)
trs.vxl (Soviet - Amphibious Transport)
trucka.vxl (Soviet - Demolition Truck)
dredtwo.vxl (Soviet - Dreadnought - Empty)
dred.vxl (Soviet - Dreadnought)
zep.vxl (Soviet - Kirov Airship)
bpln.vxl (Soviet - MiG)
smcv.vxl (Soviet - Mobile Construction Vehicle)
hyd.vxl (Soviet - Sea Scorpion)
schd.vxl (Soviet - Siege Chopper Deployed)
schdtur.vxl (Soviet - Siege Chopper Deployed Turret)
sub.vxl (Soviet - Typhoon Attack Submarine)
v3.vxl (Soviet - V3 Rocket Launcher)
harv.vxl (Soviet - War Miner)
harvtur.vxl (Soviet - War Miner Turret)
bsub.vxl (Yuri - Boomer)
caos.vxl (Yuri - Chaos Drone)
disktur.vxl (Yuri - Floating Disc)
ytnk.vxl (Yuri - Gattling Tank)
ytnktur.vxl (Yuri - Gattling Tank Turret)
yhvr.vxl (Yuri - Hover Transport)
ltnk.vxl (Yuri - Lasher Tank)
ltnktur.vxl (Yuri - Lasher Tank Turret)
tele.vxl (Yuri - Magnetron)

Download link for some QB files: (Not all inclusive)

(Contains the ones listed above)
Import those with MagicaVoxel and export them as .obj. Remember MagicaVoxel has a size limit

.jpg   Chrono Miner.jpg (Size: 60.72 KB / Downloads: 3)

help me extracting .hed and .dat files

Hello, guys.

I currently in project of ripping game 'Detective Conan' (Japanese version). And After I investigate the resource's files, I noticed all of them is archived in .DAT files with had their own .HED files (header maybe).

So, I need help from somebody, if you know how to extract the .DAT files from it. I know it's possible with QuickBMS. But the problem is, I am too noob in scripting for this purpose. (Even learning from Struggle's tutorial is a bit confusing Nervous )
I provide you with sample files (see below, it's HUD specific file), so you can figure out about it, besides of teaching me of BMS scripting for this .DAT file.

Thank you for your help.


I need help

All sprites you tried to upload are rejected

  They say it's because it does not meet the quality of custom / edited

I do not know what the custom / edited quality is.

Yu Yu Hakusho Dark Tournament PS2 Models


I have searched the internet and unfortunately have not been able to find any such trace of yu yu hakusho models from the dark tournament game for ps2. I'm mostly in need of Kuwabara and Yusuke and will pay for them, but I would consider paying extra for the others as well. I'm not sure what the proper price range would be so please send me a PM if you have a proposal so we can talk. Thank you!

Bomberman sprites help

Pac-Slot ripping problem.

Hello again. Recently, I was trying to rip sprites from Pac-Slot. For some reason, the sprites are flat when opened in Tile Molester. Any help on why this is and how to fix it?

How do i rip sprites off .MHK files?

I am trying to rip sprites from a Mohawk Engine game called Arthur's Birthday, from common knowledge, the sprites may be stored in .MHK files inside the game's data folder. However i cannot find anywhere on the internet how exactly i can open/extract these .MHK files, and the contents within them.
Can someone tell me what program i can use to open these .MHK files? or convert them or something?

Does anybody know where to find suburb backgrounds?

Does anybody know where I can find any 16-bit style backgrounds of the suburbs? It is for a project of mine.


I recently had my sprite sheet in queue and it got rejected because "This sheet does not currently meet our quality standards" So if anyone knows whats wrong with it, please reply: [Image: 0ogJ9]

Pokkén Tournament model ripping project (part 2)

(Continued from this thread.)

I PM'd Random Talking Bush about this thread's closure by Mighty Jetters, but he never reopened it nor did anything about it. And when is he going to submit Machamp into tMR? I've been waiting since he started the thread.

Anyway, the Pokkén Tournament model ripping project is up and running again.

EDIT: I can't delete this thread. I tried to, but it said that I don't have permission to.

Ripping Lord of the Rings the Third Age sound files

Hey guys,

I'm trying to access the audio files to Lotr The Third Age (Creature sound effects, that kind of stuff)

I have no experience in ripping audio files from games so forgive me if my questions are naive.

I have the iso image file to the game. I've tried mounting it with daemons tools, 7-zip, isobuster and accessing the files, but with no luck.

the file formats I've found include .SCP, .SAS, which are in \DATA\GAME

There is also a folder in \DATA\MOVIES that contains .ps2 files

I've also found a MODULES folder that contains .IRX and .IMG files. One of the files in this folder is called "AUDIOPF.IRX", I don't know if that contains the games audio files...

Again, I'm sorry if this is really stupid or naive to ask. I have no expertise in this sort of thing...

Any help would be great.

Edit: Never mind... I'm a moron... I forgot to read the pinned tutorial detailing how to extract audio files. I used psound in case anyone was wondering. Apparently the .SAS are archive that contain the audio files. I'll post any further questions if I run into any trouble. Sorry for my ignorant post.

Help with Ripping Textures

Hello. My name is Alexander and I'm new in this of ripping textures and I'm new on this forums. I'm here cause I need help.

I want to get the textures of Candy Crush (Yeah I know is a very simple game), searching in the files of the game I found the textures but the problem is in the files textures have two images. For example. The Candies texture (what I need most) One image have the Colored Candies with colored background and the other image have a black background with white silhouette on every candy. I think these files need to be combinated but I don't know how to do that. Or maybe exist other way to get the textures. Maybe its a very simple think but I don't know about it.

The textures had the name candy_c_hd_rgb and candy_c_hd_a

Please I need your help. I just want to know how to do that in a right way. I don't need you do it for me. Thanks!

I leave the images here so you can see how the textures is. (I uploaded it in Facebook so the image have a low quality)

[Image: 19275313_317386655384535_183356156531709...e=59E43641]


[i][Image: 19275186_317386742051193_483813405489048...e=59CC9741][/i]

Thanks and sorry for my bad english. I just speak Portuguese and Spanish.

Have a nice day!

I need help the TieldGGD Palette setting

I used TildGGD to update my previously working sprite sheet( https://www.spriters-resource.com/mobile...eet/87563/ ) , but only the situation shown below was repeated. I used another program, but uploading was not allowed due to loss of compression.

[Image: 7lr2UzkBVn.PNG] [Image: Gk6OGFo1xE.PNG] [Image: AI9LEp7vhA.PNG]
[Image: jctc8ck4pn.PNG] [Image: EKndmIM69C.PNG] [Image: TaJQzTR8VU.PNG]

How do I specify options? This is not an option you used before. ( Image format - 32 bit pixel / Image offset 0x3 / Image endianes - Little endian / Image mode - Linear / palette format - 4 bit per color / palette order -  RGB )

foobar2000 won't play certain .minigsfs

I ripped some sounds from the e-Reader GBA ROM using saptapper. When I tried using foobar2000, they gave me an "invalid GSF" error. I've ripped the same sounds from the same ROM using the same program before on a different computer and they worked. Some GSFs work, like the music GSF release for FireRed/LeafGreen. However, the music GSF release for the e-Reader is suddenly incompatible, too. My own rips are all incompatible, though, regardless of game.

What's going on? Why is it different than before? I have the GSF Decoder plugin, along with some other video game format plugins. (By the way, I Googled "invalid GSF" and there are only two references on the entire Internet to the problem)

Here is a sample of what I ripped:

NOTE: I don't want to install Winamp.


PS2 ripping help!

I was looking a way to rip image files from (images down before), But i'm unsure how to that and i do own the ISO for them. can i get some help?
[Image: 151694-Jojo_no_Kimyou_na_Bouken_-_Ougon_...467090.jpg] [Image: ps2-1424962135.jpg]

What is a strong thesis?

A strong thesis statement is specific. A thesis statement should show exactly what your paper will be about, and will help you keep your paper to a manageable topic. For example, if you're writing a seven-to-ten page paper on hunger, you might say: World hunger has many causes and effects.
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